Flex Ringette
Program Information
This program is formatted for the needs of athletes who wish to have less time commitment and a competitive experience. It provides Jr and Sr High School students the option to continue to play ringette in a format that has lower time commitment. This frees up more time to play other sports, enjoy part time work opportunities, pursue academics or any other personal reason.

- This is a fully separate program
- Not available as extra time for Classic players. Players will not be able to register in both. The only exception is for goaltenders, who may play both if they desire.
- For viability, 100% commitment just less time
- Equal time for all players
- Open to current U16 and U19 players, and may open to U14 if there is room.
- 60 minute games approx. once a week.
- 2 half seasons – October-December and January-March
- Consistent location and time (Tuesday evenings)
- Schedule – Completed by Flex Committee
- Teams will be balanced based on division(s) played previously
- Friend requests honoured as much as possible, with the primary goal being balanced teams
- Standings are not published
- Jerseys provided by Ringette Calgary, all other ringette equipment is standard
Code of Conduct
- Players, coaches & parents/fans
- Respect in Sport required
Flex Ringette will not be offered for the fall of 2023
- Players cannot be registered in both Classic and Flex
- No releases required
- Players MAY cross affiliate within the flex program – i.e. if Team red is short, a player from team white may join them
- No affiliation between flex and classic (except for goalie)
- Goalie Pool – must be signed up with Flex or Classic
Minor Officials
- Same as league
- Officials Requirements
- 1-2 referees per game
- Jersey will be provided
- Rings will be provided
Other info
- There will be no City Championships, tournaments or eligibility for Provincials
- There may be a season-end wrap up if the teams wish