Referee Info

Referee Assignors

In Calgary, scheduling officials for games is handled by a referee assignor. The assignor manages all Ringette Calgary league games and can also arrange referees for exhibition games and will appoint a head referee to handle your tournament requirements.

All requests for referees MUST be in writing.

Fill out the online form to request referees for an exhibition game:

U14 and below

Kristi Eldridge

U16 and up & U14AA

Jasper Greysson-Wong

Exhibition Games
  • League games will be given priority over assigning exhibition games; however the assignor will make every reasonable attempt to fill them.
  • Referees are assigned to exhibition games on an availability basis and there is no guarantee that your requirements can be met – especially on short notice.
  • Cost of referees for exhibition games is the responsibility of the teams and are to be paid directly to the officials, in advance of the game start.
  • Requests for referees for exhibition games MUST be in writing using the Request Refs form and must be received at least 72 hours before the game. Higher level games (U16 and above) should provide more notice if possible, as the number of officials available for higher level games is limited.
  • When completing the form, you need to include a specific opponent team so that the game is scheduled appropriately, stating “NW U14B” is insufficient since there is more than one team. Please use the name used on the website and not the coach’s name.
  • You will receive a response regarding a referee request within 24 hours during the week and by Monday if a request is made on the weekend. If you do not, please try sending the request again or contacting the assignor directly by email. Your game will be posted in the referee assigning software only, and not online. After confirmation that the request was received, the assignors will email you only if your exhibition game does not have officials.
  • If you need to cancel an exhibition game, contact the referee assignor as soon as possible. The home team will still be responsible for paying the officiating fees of any games that are cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice and payment should be sent within 48 hours of cancellation.
What rate do I need to pay?

Exhibition game: Pay refs based on column 2 or 4.

Tournament game: The ref assignor of the tournament usually would submit a payroll. Refs would be paid based on column 1 or 3. The assignor would charge $3.50 per referee assignment for tournaments.

Who gets paid what for a league game?

The referee is paid the referee rate (column 1 or 3). For games U19 and under, the assignor is paid $3.50 per referee assignment and Ringette Calgary receives $0.75 per assignment. For CORA games, the assignor is paid $5 per referee assignment.

Why are exhibition games more expensive?

They aren’t actually! The referees for exhibition games are paid their game fee plus the assigning/admin fee up front, but the assigning/admin fees are recouped from the referees through their payroll monthly.
In contrast, for league games the assigning/admin fees are invoiced to the team bi-seasonally. In the end, they are the same cost to the team.

Referee Fees:

Total game
fee per
if solo
Referee Rate
if solo
U12 A/B/C$32.00$36.25$48.00$52.25
U14 A/B/C$34.00$38.25$51.00$55.25
U14 AA$38.00$42.25$57.00$61.25
U16 A/B/C$38.00$42.25$57.00$61.25
U16 AA$42.00$46.25$63.00$67.25
U19 A/B$42.00$46.25$63.00$67.25
U19 AA$45.00$49.25$67.50$71.25
* includes assignor fee ($3.50) and Ringette Calgary administrative fee ($0.75), totalling $4.25 per official
Open A/B/C$55.00$60.00**$110.00$115.00
** includes $5 CORA assignor fee
Home teams for games at the Olympic Oval are charged per referee for parking (currently $9).
Referee in Chief

Bob Curran

Officials Development

Kristi Eldridge

Ringette Calgary Liaison

Bob Curran